I AM HERE Sunsum® Intentional Living

If I had one wish for the world …

Meet the Creator of Sunsum and Sunsum Intentional Living Mobile Boutique

Meet the Creator

My name is Akilah Jackson and I am the creator of Sunsum and the Sunsum Intentional Living Mobile Boutique. I craft handmade goods that are ethically sourced, eco-friendly and made in Las Vegas, Nevada. I am a black woman creative who has a passion for connection, intersectionality, interconnectedness and cultural competence.

If I had one wish it would be to heal the world from racial trauma and end generational curses.

About the Brand

The brand was manifested from my own experiences with the lack of aesthetic freedom in retail and wellness. I believe that we are all connected to all things. When we pay more attention to our relationship with ourselves and others, we create a more meaningful life. People create culture. Connecting with a culture can have a positive impact on your sense of belonging, identity and overall well being.

I am too familiar with the impact of structural violence and the barriers to accessing a well-lived life. When you start your life closer to the bottom than the top of the class struggle, as I have, you are not a stranger to depths of human depravity or the outcomes of personal risks - revealing someone's attempt to escape their despair. I had to find humility in personal and professional spaces, where I wasn’t even afforded dignity because of my identity - a young, gifted black woman. I was put to the ultimate test, in 2013, when I survived a horrific, high-speed motorcycle accident.

While in recovery, I learned that I survived the amount of blunt-force trauma that would have killed most people. I wasn’t expected to walk ever again. But this wasn’t the first time, my will power was tested. I turn pain into power. As I laid in pieces broken on the shock trauma hospital bed, something was happening. I transformed into my truest form... an earthy healer and creative entrepreneur.


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