The Sunsum brand was created by a virgo woman to add cultural conversations to homes and intentionally heal spaces. During this virgo season, are automatically applying 42% off each entire order until September 23rd.
Looking for ideas and inspiration on how to take advantage of arguably the best savings of the year.
Try bundling each handmade item for a gift to yourself or to others.
Earthy Gift Idea
Try bundling the Mini Macrame Diffuser (Nag Champa), Upcycled Drawstring Bag, Time is a Healer Body Oil (Earthy Goods), and The Great Plains, Rattan Read Diffuser (Nag Champa) . Retails for $111.00 before taxes.
Take advantage of 42% Virgo-Powered Savings and purchase this earthy gift for only $64.38 before taxes and shipping.
Working the Room Gift Idea
Try bundling the Great Plains, Rattan Wood Reed Diffuser (Baby Leather) with the Time is a Healer Body Oil (Timeless Musk). Retails for $85 before taxes.
Take advantage of 42% Virgo-Powered Savings and purchase this earthy gift for only $49.30 before taxes and shipping.